Allentown Deliverance Ministries PA

Hello, Allentown, and welcome to our Allentown, PA deliverance page. We made this and our other deliverance pages to help people who are struggling with spiritual bondage and who are seeking deliverance to find deliverance ministry in their area.

We have some deliverance ministries or healing rooms listed at bottom. If you need deliverance, you can reach out to those ministries as well as the ministries on our other Pennsylvania deliverance pages. You can also call around to local churches in your area and ask them if they have a ministry that helps people to break free of spiritual bondage.

The world has changed a lot. In America, and probably around the world, the effect of change– both good and bad– has been like the boiling frog idiom. Naturally, most people seem to have boiling frog syndrome, not really realizing how much things have changed and not noticing the negative changes until it is all but too late. Children are sexualized in movies, TV series, commercials, and now even children’s books; Hollywood’s disregard for God and honor of satanic themes is alarming; and extreme violence is so normal now that it’s considered to be funny in children’s cartoons. In the midst of this slowly boiling water, spiritual bondage has only become severer and has spread to more people than ever before.

As you or a loved one seeks deliverance, please consider the following helps:

  • Trust God. The Bible says you only need faith as small as a mustard seed, but that faith should also grow. Exercise your trust in God as you seek deliverance. His Word says He sent Jesus to deliver those who are in captivity. Because deliverance for some people takes a long time to find, you will need to learn to trust God small step by small step until you find your deliverance.
  • Exercise your discernment. We tend to leave certain things to ‘the professionals’, but God expects every Christian to mature. Discernment often comes with maturity and is important because you have an enemy who wants to waylay and delay you any chance he gets– an enemy who is difficult to spot or recognize without discernment. Discernment helps you to avoid unnecessary mistakes which is handy when seeking deliverance.
  • Ask for help. The Body of Christ is meant to function in community. Share your issue with some Christians you trust and ask for their overall support and prayer support. If you have no such support, ask God to send you encouragement and to guide you to deliverance.

Holistic Healing Rooms of NEPA in Scranton:

Healing Rooms of Brookside & Greater SUN Area in Shamokin Dam:

Christ Love Healing Rooms in Southampton:

Healing Rooms of West Chester, Inc. in West Chester:
If you have questions, want deliverance coaching, or need prayer, feel free to email us at, or call or text us at (916) 247-2455. Our prayer is that God will provide the help and support you need as you seek deliverance.




