Bangor Deliverance Ministries ME

Welcome to our Bangor, ME deliverance page for people seeking deliverance ministry in or around Bangor. Most deliverance ministries do not advertise online and are found in the local church, so we don’t have a long list of ministries for Bangor or Maine. If you’re in need of deliverance ministry, be sure to call around your local churches and ask them if they have a deliverance ministry.

Before you find a deliverance ministry, here are some tips that can be of help:

  1. Practice relying on God. After the Fall at the Garden of Eden, human beings learned to rely on self to get things done. This self-dependence is deeply-ingrained in us and makes reliance on God seem like a fairy tale or a religious but unrealistic plattitude. Because we have to work to survive, have to eat and drink to stay alive, and have to do the bulk of everything ourselves, it takes practice to learn to rely on God. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” To lean on your understanding simply means to depend on your own wisdom, knowledge, intelligence which we’re all used to doing to make it through each day. One of the ways you can learn to rely on or trust in God is to find of Google Bible passages about trusting and relying on God and meditating on or praying through them. “Even children eventually grow tired and weary and young men eventually run out of energy. But those who trust in God will continually re-charge like a battery; they will be energized for the needed task. They will exert energy but won’t grow weary; they will persevere and never give up” (Isaiah 40:30-31, paraphrase).
  2. Get emotional and spiritual support. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” The primary law of Jesus, after the greatest commandment, was given to His disciples before He was crucified: “A new commandment I give you that you love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). Support comes out of love, so find some fellow believers who will support you as you pursue and progress through deliverance. If you don’t have anyone for support, reach out to us here at Love Flows Ministries.
  3. Persevere and rededicate your life to Christ. You might not get the deliverance you need from the first ministry or first few ministries you go to, but God has deliverance for you, so persevere. Re-dedicating your life, time, resources to Jesus will enable you to keep any deliverance you get, so re-dedicating your life is a part of persevering and a part of deliverance.

God will honor your desire and perseverance to get the deliverance that Jesus already bought for you at the cross and in the resurrection. “Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7). If you need help during this process, text or call us at (916) 247-2455, or write us at

Thomas Markham and Carol Lyn McIntosh are directors of Word of Faith Healing Rooms in Gardiner, ME, 1 ½ from Bangor. If you can’t reach them, they might be able to suggest someone closer to you:

You can also contact Southern Maine Healing Rooms in Scarborough, ME at (207) 934-5681 or here: They’re over 2 hours from Bangor, but they might have contacts closer to you.




