Bellevue Deliverance Ministries NE

Hello and welcome to our Bellevue, NE deliverance page here at Love Flows Ministries. If you’re in need of deliverance from spiritual bondage, we’re here to help you find the right deliverance ministry for you.

The Bible says that in the last days, things will get worse. As things get worse, spiritual oppression gets worse as well. A higher proliferation of occultism today– both in occult activity and in occult themes in movies– further complicates spiritual bondage. Many Christians are in need of deliverance ministry, and many are seeking deliverance ministry. Here are some steps that might be helpful for you as you look for a deliverance ministry:

  • Believe that God wants to set you free of all spiritual bondage. People find themselves in spiritual bondage for different reasons. Sometimes, bondage comes on you because of the actions, sins, or wrong practices of your parents or/and other people in your ancestral line. Sometimes, it’s due to traumas in your life that are not healed. Still, other times bondage comes from your own personal actions– coerced or willful. In satanic ritual abuse, victims come under bondage because they are coerced and manipulated to do sinful or ungodly things. No matter what the reason is for your bondage, God wants you to be free. As the Bible says, Jesus was sent to “destroy the works of the devil” (1John 3:8).
  • Do some research on what you might expect from a deliverance ministry. As I said before, deliverance ministries operate differently, and some specialize in different areas of bondage. You should be willing to vet each ministry as well as pray for discernment to know which ministry you should go with. You should also get advice from Christians you trust.
  • Get support from Christians you trust. This may be family or friends or both. A support system provides a spiritual covering for you in the spirit and makes it easier for you to keep seeking deliverance without being distracted or derailed. The Church is called ‘the Body of Christ’ and is meant to function like a human body, being one unit but with many different parts that all work in concert with each other. To the extent that this is not the case, the enemy finds inroads and doorways into a Christian’s life. But when “we being many are one body in Christ and every one members of one another” (Romans 12:5), then sin and the enemy are held back because of the spiritual protection that unity among Christians provides. This is also why Jesus tells Christians to “love one another” (John 15:12).
  • Work on your personal spiritual growth. When you eject any living organism that is toxic– whether it is a spiritual enemy (ie. demons) or a toxic or abusive person or a parasite even– once ejected, they want to find a way back into your life. But the more you mature spiritually through knowledge of God and obedience to His Word, the stronger you become spiritually, leaving less and less room for the enemy or sin to reenter your life since you are “building yourself up in your most holy faith” (Jude 1:20).

Blair Healing Rooms in Blair:
If you need prayer or have questions, or if you want deliverance coaching, reach out to us at Or you can call or text us at (916) 247-2455. We pray that God will comfort and strengthen you and connect you with the right person(s) for deliverance.




