Casper Deliverance Ministries WY

Welcome to our Casper, WY deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. We want to compile a list of contacts for people who are in need of deliverance ministry. This page is for those in Casper and Wyoming as we only have a few deliverance ministries in Wyoming.

If you’re seeking deliverance ministry, don’t limit your search to people who call themselves deliverance ministers or, depending on your circumstances, even to your city or state. Sometimes you might need to look farther than you might want to, and someone far away may be able to help you or connect you with someone closer to you.

It’s also important to note that most people who do deliverance aren’t listed online or can’t be found on a Google search. Many deliverance ministries take place in local churches and are not designated, necessarily, as deliverance ministries. If you want to broaden your search, I advise you to call around to churches in your area and ask them if they can help you with deliverance. It’s best to not ask if a church has a deliverance ministry since ‘deliverance ministry’ is a specific designation– like asking to see a doctor for a disjointed shoulder and not expecting anyone but a doctor to have the knowledge to fix it. Many churches do help people go through deliverance, but this is done by clergy and laypeople and is not a specific ministry in the church. Here are some important steps as you seek deliverance ministry:

  1. Trust that God wants you free. God is the one who sent Jesus to redeem, save, and deliver the world. The Bible says of Jesus, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried out sorrows… He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was put upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). Jesus was oppressed so we wouldn’t have to be.
  2. Seek support and counsel. Christians are supposed to function in unity. The more prayer and emotional support you have, the faster you will find deliverance because of the ‘Law of Agreement’: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
  3. Strengthen your relationship with God. “God will supply all your need according to His riches” (Philippians 4:19). God is your provider, therefore, it’s important to be in close relationship with Him and to draw nearer to Him. This will provide you a spiritual covering– similar to having prayer support– that is able to keep sin and the enemy at bay as you pursue deliverance.

We found a healing room in Gillette, WY that you can contact at (307) 660-7584:

You can also contact Wyoming healing rooms directors Bob & Lola Copenhaver at (701) 355-4292 or email them at
There’s also a Pastor Deborah J. Reames in Rawlins, WY. Her email is If you need more help, text or call us at (916) 247-2455 or write to us at




