Chesapeake Deliverance Ministries VA

Welcome to Love Flows Ministries and to our Chesapeake, VA deliverance page. We made this page and our other Virginia pages for Virginia residents who are struggling with spiritual bondage or oppression and are seeking deliverance ministry. 

We have listed several deliverance ministries below for you to contact if you need. We advise you to vet each deliverance ministry you contact so you get a better feel for how they operate and if they are what you need. You can also contact churches in your area and ask if they have a deliverance ministry in the church or if they know a deliverance ministry in your area. Some local churches have a deliverance ministry or function that might be able to help.

As we near the end of all things or the end of earth’s history and the return of Jesus, things are starting to fall apart at faster rate. Even the government sometimes sponsors lawlessness and supports lawless people. We are in crisis, especially spiritually speaking. As lawlessness becomes more and more lawful, spiritual oppression becomes greater over nations.  Many Christians are struggling with different types of bondage like mental illnesses, sinful strongholds like jealousy and lust, and demonic oppression. If you or someone you know is struggling in one or more of these ways, the following points can aid you in finding and receiving deliverance:

  • Sanctify your life to God. This means to turn away from worldly pursuits or to refrain from chasing the same things that people in the world chase, and it means to turn to God for a closer relationship and connection. Paul says in Romans 12:2 that Christians should both a.) present themselves to God in sanctification and b.) refrain from thinking and acting like the world. Both of these– turning away from the world and turning to God– are necessary and foundational components of sanctifying your life to God.
  • Seek fellowship that builds you up. Pray and ask God to connect you with one or two Christians who are mature or maturing and who can therefore hold you up and support you in prayer and encouragement as you seek deliverance. Such a person or such people can help walk you through deliverance and can be invaluable assets in your spiritual life as they can help build up your spirit.
  • Know your enemy. The Bible shows that satan is always seeking to devour Christians. The more cognizant you are of this, the wiser you become and better qualified to avoid his traps.
  • Persevere. Deliverance doesn’t always come quickly. Be willing to persevere, and the Bible promises God will answer.

Healing Rooms of Tidewater:

Peninsula Healing Rooms of Virginia:

Healing Rooms of Petersburg:

Loudoun Healing Rooms:

Richmond Prayer & Healing Rooms:

Email us at or call or text us at (916) 247-2455 if you need prayer, have questions, or want deliverance coaching. We pray that God will lead you by the right way to the right place of deliverance.




