Denver Deliverance Ministries CO

Hello, Denver! That just sounds like the right thing to say!

Welcome to our Denver, CO deliverance page. If you are seeking deliverance for yourself or for a loved one, we have several deliverance ministries that we have linked on this page.

If you are seeking deliverance from spiritual oppression and spiritual bondage, you are by no means alone. Some people call it “demon possession” and unfortunately the King James Version uses the same term. The actual word used in the New Testament is Greek ‘daimonizomai’. Taken from the Greek word ‘daimon’ meaning ‘divine being’ (ie. demon), ‘daimonizomai’ simply means ‘demonized’. It means ‘to have a demon’ inside or on you; it does not mean to be ‘possessed’ by a demon. 

Finding someone who is not demonized would be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, some who are demonized are also oppressed or tormented by the demon(s) in or on them. These are the people who tend to seek some type of respite (eg. substance abuse, promiscuity, mental health medicine, etc.) or who seek deliverance from the torment or oppression. If you are seeking deliverance, consider these helpful tips:

  1. Sanctify yourself to God. This is not easy to do, especially in the current climate and society we live in. To sanctify yourself means to ‘separate yourself’ from one thing and to another. Therefore, sanctification has to do with separating yourself away from worldly pursuits and values and separating yourself to God and godly pursuits and values. When seeking deliverance, this helps you to experience God, hear God, and be led by the Holy Spirit. Those things are pretty essential when you’re seeking deliverance.
  2. Procure support. God created human beings to be tri-partite beings, similar to Him. But whereas God does not have needs and does not need anyone besides Himself, human beings have many needs and need other human beings. Since we are designed this way, there are plenty of things that will not and do not work right if or when a person is alone. There are prayers that cannot be answered if prayed by just one person. There is power in agreement: “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9). Find one or two Christians you trust and ask for their prayer and emotional support as you seek deliverance. This support builds a spiritual barrier around you, making it easier for you to keep seeking deliverance and not be frustrated by satan’s skillful tactics.
  3. Trust God. Ask God to increase your faith and trust in Him and practice taking God at His word. In the end, deliverance comes from Jesus. He’s the one who wants you free more than anyone else. Developing trust in His good intentions helps the deliverance process.

These are some deliverance ministries in Denver and surrounding:

Deliverance Tabernacle:

The House of Prayer Deliverance Church::

This page provides a list of healing rooms in and around Denver:

If you need any more assistance or resources, reach out to us:

May God bless you and give you peace, progress, and prosperity as you pursue your deliverance.




