Evansville Deliverance Ministries IN

Hello, Evansville, and welcome to our Evansville, IN deliverance page. We have tried to provide a few ministries in your city or nearby. If you reach out to these ministries and make contact, please vet these ministries and ask them questions to see if they’re a good fit for you.

Also, be aware that many deliverance ministries aren’t listed anywhere. Many ministries function within local churches, often without a specific designation (eg. Shepherd Deliverance Ministries operating inside Shepherd’s Heart Church). Sometimes, there are Christians in some churches– laypeople and clergy– who partake in deliverance ministry as an act of love for those in bondage and not as a ministry duty.

The Bible predicted many things about the last days we live in. One of those things was that there would be less obedience to God (in the world and in the churches) which would naturally then bereave people of natural affection for their neighbor (fellowman). Paul said about this time in history, “Know this, that in the last days perilous times will come, for men will be lovers of themselves… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” ( 2Timothy 3:5). To have a form of godliness but deny its power means to do religious and ‘Christian’ things but not be obedient to God. In such a climate, help and support– whether for deliverance or something else– will always be lacking.

Here are some things you can do as you seek deliverance ministry:

  1. Work on your relationship with God. James said, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). God is everywhere, but you will begin to sense and experience Him more as you take steps to be closer to Him. Bible reading, prayer, and listening to sermons can help you move closer to God. You should also talk to God informally as much as you are able; talk to Him about any and every thing. All relationships are rise and fall on communication. The more you talk to God– not necessarily in formal prayer– the closer you will start to sense Him. This makes it easier for you to hear Him and for Him to lead you to deliverance.
  2. Gather with mature believers if you can find them. These are believers who aren’t consumed with worldly pursuits and personal comfort/convenience but are sincere about the things of God. You will experience progress– and maybe deliverance too– with such people.

Below are two ministries that might be able to help you. We aren’t sure if these ministries can still be reached with their contact info., so if you’re unable to get a hold of at least one of the following ministries, please email us (Love Flows Ministries) at loveflows916@gmail.com or text or call us at (916) 247-2455.

Pastor Gabriel Huff of The Remnant of Christ’s Kingdom Church in Rushville, IN: (765) 932-2972 and rockchurch@mail.com.

Lola Bovic of Holy Ground Fellows in Indianapolis: (317) 850-1394 and endtime12@sbcglobal.net.




