Fayetteville Deliverance Ministries AR

Welcome to our Fayetteville, AR deliverance page! I once went to college in Arkansas and think it’s a beautiful state! Moreover, God created everything we see and wants to restore us, our families, our states, our land! This page is for people in Fayetteville and Arkansas who are in need of deliverance and are looking for a deliverance ministry.

Isaiah 60 talks about a time when an overwhelming spiritual darkness will overtake the earth and says that those who are sanctified in Christ will stand out in contrast to the darkness of their age. Hollywood and the entertainment industry have been pumping out a lot of spiritual garbage for years, particularly in the areas of violence, sexuality, and the occult. This has only made the spiritual darkness grow.

Spiritual bondage is a result of living in a fallen world, a result of our or/and others’ sins, a result of mental and emotional and psychological wounds or harm, and a result of the influence of satan and his kingdom. The sins and wounds of our ancestors can and do pass down to us. But Jesus paid the price so that we can legally be delivered and freed of every last bit of bondage– whether of spirit, soul, mind, or body– and can receive, according to the Bible, two to nine times what we lost while in captivity. Here are some important steps when seeking deliverance:

  1. Trust God and His promises. The Bible is full of promises for the believer, and the fulfillment of many of those promises depends on the believer. The Bible says many times that God wants to bless, heal, deliver, and prosper His people. As you seek deliverance, look up these promises in the Bible and bring them to remembrance before God.
  2. Be prepared for the long haul. The definition of the word ‘deliverance’ is “an act or instance of delivering; salvation; liberation; a thought or judgment expressed; a formal or authoritative pronouncement”. This doesn’t capture the biblical meanings which are pressed into the New Testament’s Greek word for salvation: sozo. Sozo means ‘salvation’ but also carries the idea of being healed physically and being delivered from your enemies. The meaning denotes or indicates making one whole spiritually, mentally, physically– all the time. Deliverance is about the demonic, yes, but it’s also about your entire life and lifestyle, being delivered in all areas of your life.
  3. Get prayer support. If you know one, two, or three Christians you trust, see if you can contract them to pray with and for you as you seek deliverance. This will provide a covering for you in the spirit which will make your progress towards deliverance easier.

May God be with and favor you as you pursue deliverance. Feel free to text, call, or email us at (916) 247-2455, or email us at loveflows916@gmail.com.

Here are some deliverance ministries in and around Fayetteville:

River House Church in Fayetteville: https://www.eaglerockchurch.com/.

Eagle Rock Church in Little Rock: https://www.eaglerockchurch.com/.

Healing Rooms in Greenwood: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1122.

Healing Rooms in Batesville: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1838.




