Las Vegas Deliverance Ministries NV

Hello and welcome to our Las Vegas, NV deliverance page here at Love Flows Ministries. If you are experiencing spiritual oppression and are seeking deliverance, we have listed some deliverance ministries here for you. Please know that we have not vetted any of these ministries and that it will be up to you to do that.

The world as a whole is experiencing more of a negative or occult influence than it ever has. Many things have changed as the Bible predicted, and the natural affection or regard or value that people used to have for each other is decreasing more and more. One of the effects of all these is spiritual oppression. More people have spiritual issues, mental issues, and psychological issues than ever before. But there can be deliverance and healing through Jesus.

The following are some helpful things you can make use of as you seek deliverance:

  1. Learn to live a lifestyle of repentance. The dictionary defines ‘repentance’ as deep sorrow, compunction, or contrition for a past sin, wrongdoing, or the like”. The biblical definition carries with it the action of both turning away from sin and also turning to God. Part of repentance is closing doors that the enemy can use to gain access into your life. These are not just doorways in the past but also doorways in the present. In 2Corinthians 2:5-11, Paul addressed a situation in the Corinthian Church in which someone had sinned and the church members had shown him disfavor. Paul urged them to receive him back into fellowship saying, “You ought to forgive and comfort him so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow… in order that satan should not outwit us, for we are not unaware of his schemes.” So, if they continued to isolate the person who had sinned, satan would gain inroads into their lives. Therefore, repentance is both for past sins as well as a current lifestyle practice.
  2. Pray and fast. As you seek deliverance, it would help to have brief periods of fasting– perhaps one day at a time. When you fast, you can skip one or two meals or maybe go without meats and sweets. You might practice going without social media or TV the day of your fast. Fasting helps to take your focus off of your bodily or physical needs and to refocus on God. It also makes it easier for you to hear and receive from God whatever He may have to tell you about your deliverance. After my friend learned that he needed deliverance from issues that he once thought were normal, he began to fast and while fasting, the Holy Spirit revealed to him the enemy’s inroads into his life and what it was exactly that he needed deliverance from.

The following are ministries you can contact. Don’t give up. If one ministry doesn’t work for you, keep reaching out. Feel free to contact us as well:

Wellspring Church of all Nations in Las Vegas:

Dream Center Las Vegas:

Pastor Samuel Lainez of Guibbores del Olam– ‘Guerreros del Dios Etermono’– in Las Vegas: (702) 610-2317;




