Los Angeles Deliverance Ministries CA

Los Angeles, hello! This is our deliverance page for the City of Angels. If you have come here in need of and desiring deliverance from spiritual bondage or oppression, then please continue. We have compiled a list of deliverance ministries in LA and other cities in California that you can make use of.

It’s important to know that if you can’t find a ministry near you, you can ask another deliverance ministry if they know of other deliverance ministries near you.

As I write this, we are in the last days of March 2022. We are also, as the Bible says, in the last days of ‘the age of man’ or the last days of our time on earth. The devil is stirring nation against nation and people against people, gender against gender and neighbor against neighbor. In the midst of all the instability is a wide net full of spiritual captives most of who don’t know they are in bondage. I encourage those who know they are in bondage to seek deliverance through Jesus alone. If you are pursuing that, then these are some steps that can help you find the deliverance you need:

  1. Intentional fellowship and support. Going to church services is okay, but we are not talking about that. We are talking about getting together in a group with one, two, or three other people– more if you want– and fellowshipping with the intention to pray, read the Bible, and fellowship around the topic of your deliverance from spiritual bondage. This might be one day a week for thirty minutes, but it helps to have prayer support when you are seeking deliverance. If you don’t have anyone to do that with you, then ask God to send encouragement to keep you moving towards deliverance.
  2. Sanctify your life to God. We are not talking about being religious or hyper-spiritual here. ‘Sanctify’ means to ‘set apart, consecrate, etc.’ The way it looks in practical action is a.) obeying God in the things you already know to do, b.) staying away from a worldly lifestyle of greed, self-centeredness, and pridefulness, and c.) taking time to pray and read the Bible with the intention of communing and communicating with (ie. hearing from) God. The Bible says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). As you sanctify your life to God, He will suddenly be near and will better be able to direct and guide you to deliverance.
  3. Ask God for the faith and resolve to pursue your deliverance. One day as Jesus was teaching His apostles, they said to Him, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). Spiritual tools and weapons are similar to physical ones in that different tools or weapons work in different situations. Faith is a tool you will need as you seek deliverance because you possibly and probably will face resistance, hindrance, delay, frustration, disappointment, discouragement.

Here are several ministries in LA:

Jay Bartlett Missions in LA: http://www.jaybartlett.org/.

Harvest Tabernacle in LA: http://htabupc.org/.

The Refuge in LA: http://www.refugehop.com/main_page.html.

A list of healing rooms around LA: https://healingrooms.com/en/locations/index.php?src=area&area=165#188.

Feel free to contact us if you need info. on more deliverance ministries in LA or close (also see our other California deliverance pages for more info.): (916) 247-2455 or loveflows916@gmail.com. May God bless and lead you as you seek deliverance.




