New York City Deliverance Ministries NY

Hello and welcome to our New York City deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. If you’re needing deliverance from spiritual oppression or bondage, we’re here to help you connect with a ministry that can help you. We have listed some ministries below for you.

As most of us know, the world has changed a lot in the past ten years, and most of it for the worse. There is upheaval everywhere it seems. The covid pandemic, strife between Russia and the Ukraine, China hovering over Taiwan, North Korea aiming nukes in any general direction. The Bible predicts the times we live in and also talks about the U.S. 

Along with the turmoil that seems to leave some untouched, there is greater spiritual bondage today than ever before. More people today than before struggle with mental illnesses, sexual perversions, feelings of unhappiness and unfulfillment, addictions, and disappointments. The land is rife with a pandemic of generational iniquities, curses from enemies, occult-rooted bondage, satanic ritual abuse victimization, demonic oppression from unhealed trauma, and spiritual bondage from personal sin. If you are struggling with any spiritual bondage, the following can be helpful as you seek deliverance:

  • Put your hope in God. God loves you and wants you free. Jesus died on the cross and rose again not only to save us from sin but to also save us from satan. Isaiah 53:4 says of Jesus, “Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.” Jesus carried our burdens so we wouldn’t have to. Though you will probably need help from the outside for deliverance, always hope in God for deliverance.
  • Seek support. Ask a few Christians you trust to pray with you as you seek deliverance. This can help you as “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
  • Prepare to persevere. There are people who gave up looking for deliverance, people who looked for years before they found it, and people who are still looking today. Jesus said to never give up because “everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). And “he who comes to God must believe… He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Bronx Healing Room:

CityLight Healing Rooms in Manhattan:

Staten Island Healing Rooms:

Long Island Healing Rooms in Selden:

Pastors Isidore & Maureen Agoha of Triumphant Life Church/Calvary Campaign Ministries in the Bronx: (718) 231-1604;

Pastor Egbert Bagot of Zion Deliverance Temple in Brooklyn: (718) 385-4375;

Rev. Ivan Rodriguez of Ambassadors of Truth International Ministries in Brooklyn:

Rabbi Hadassah Ryklin of Messianic Temple Beth El in Brooklyn:

Contact us if you want deliverance coaching. Also, email us at or text or call us at (916) 247-2455 if you have questions or if you need prayer. Our prayer is for God to connect you to the right people on your journey to deliverance.




