Omaha Deliverance Ministries NE

Hello and welcome to our Omaha, NE deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. If you live in Omaha, or just in Nebraska, and you’re looking for a deliverance ministry, we have found a few deliverance ministries in Omaha. There will be more ministries, but you might have to contact one of the ones in our links to ask about others. Furthermore, we’re giving you a place to begin looking.

Our desire is to see those in need of deliverance in Nebraska connecting with ministries that can help them. We haven’t vetted any of the ministries we have linked here. Please make sure that if you contact them, you vet them and make sure you feel comfortable with them.

There are some online deliverance ministries. Some operate by phone or video call. Still, some do ‘mass deliverance’ on a group of people. Finally, you have the one-on-one or a team of people ministering to one person. Try to find what will work for you. But as you’re seeking, we have listed several things that can help you:

  • Forgive those who have hurt you. I’m yet to hear a proper definition of the word ‘forgive’ that is palatable and understandable for everyone. In life, there are things we hold on to; and then there are things that hold on to us. For instance, if you enjoy visiting a friend in another state, then you are ‘holding on to’ that friend. But if you have a drug habit that you want to quit but can’t, then that habit (the addiction) is holding on to you. We hold on to feelings like love, acceptance, and admiration from others; but feelings like shame, guilt, and fear hold on to us. We hold on to our dreams, desires, and goals; but demonic bondage, oppression, and torment hold on to us. 

To forgive means to not hold on to the person who hurt or disappointed you. The negative feelings and effects might continue in your life, but those things are holding on to you. As long as you refuse to hold on to that person (ie. wish them ill, etc.) and mull over the wrong they did you, then you can forgive. The negative feelings don’t mean you haven’t forgiven, but willfully wishing retribution of some type on them does mean you haven’t forgiven. God wants us to hold on to only Him and to only good things. As Paul says, “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy– meditate on [mull over] these things” (Philippians 4:8).

  • Put your hope in God. This follows the last point. Our eyes or focus are on things that we hope in. It’s more important to hope in God than to hope that someone who hurt you reaps what they sowed. The psalmist was grieving and mourning, unable to find God and enduring the abuse of others. But he said, “Why are you cast down, oh my soul, and why so discouraged within me? Put your hope in God for I will [eventually] praise Him for His help” (Psalm 42:5).

Bethel Sozo in Omaha:

Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts:
If you want deliverance coaching, contact us. Also, contact us if you have questions or you need prayer. Our email is, and you can text or call us at (916) 247-2455. Our hope is that God will show you His faithfulness and encourage you through deliverance and restoration.




