Raleigh Deliverance Ministries NC

Hello and welcome to our Raleigh, NC deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. If you are struggling with demonic torment, oppression, harassment, or bondage and are seeking deliveance, we are here to help you find a ministry near you or in your state.

God designed all of Creation to function in perfect unity. After the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, God already had a plan to restore Creation to its perfect state. He gave the Law to Moses to begin the process and then sent Jesus to accelerate the process in earnest. He desires to heal, deliver, and restore everything that is broken starting with the Christian.

As you seek deliverance, consider and put the following points into practice as God leads you:

  1. Draw close to God. James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” Open your Bible, pray, and ask God for strength, protection, and direction as you seek deliverance. God’s protection around you will increase if you draw nearer to Him. Against the advice of several people, I used to walk through a bad neighborhood on my way to and from work only because any other route would take much longer. I was spending time drawing close to God and after maybe a month or so, I asked God why no one in that dangerous neighborhood had ever tried to harm me in any way. He said it was because He was protecting me and gave me Psalm 34:7 which says, “The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.”
  2. Seek the support and counsel of other Christians. Find a few Christians you trust. Tell them your situation– your spiritual bondage and need for deliveance, and ask them to stand with you in prayer. The Bible often refers directly or indirectly to a principle that requires two or more people– ie. more than one person. Some prayers can’t be answered with just one person praying; some things won’t be done with just one person doing them. This rule isn’t about the individual person’s lack somewhere (ie. faith, courage, love, perseverance, etc.); it is a principle that simply requires two or more people. This is why Jesus sent out apostles two by two. It’s also why He said, “If any two of you agree… it will be done for them. For where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:19-20).
  3. Be willing to persevere. God always acts for those who persevere (Isaiah 64:4). The persevering is hard, but the promise is God’s eventual answer.

Healing Rooms of Raleigh: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1045.

Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries in Raleigh: http://www.mfmnc.org/Services.html.

River House Healing Rooms in Fayetteville: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US2016.

His Presence Healing Rooms in Mills River: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1835.

You can email, text, or call us at loveflows916@gmail.com and (916) 247-2455. We pray that God gives you all the tools you need and will connect you with the right deliverance ministry




