San Diego Deliverance Ministries CA

Hello and welcome to our San Diego, CA deliverance page. If you are in San Diego or in California, we pray that the deliverance ministries we listed here and on our other California deliverance pages will be a blessing to you.

We live in a day and age when more and more people are suffering under spiritual bondage. Many of these spiritual issues are mislabeled as mental illnesses. The 2014 movie ‘Deliver from Evil’, starring Eric Bana and Olivia Munn, is based on actual events in New York City in which several people experienced demonization but were wrongly labeled as being mentally ill. More and more people are seeking deliverance ministry and exorcisms. If you are one of those people, please consider these helpful tips as you seek deliverance:

  1. Devote time to seeking God. When Jesus was on earth, He just spoke the word and people were immediately delivered of spiritual bondage. Most people today are not walking in that level of anointing, therefore, deliverance often requires more cooperation from the recipient of ministry. “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Devote specific chunks of time to pray and read what the Bible says about Jesus’s will and desire to deliver His people. This is able to strengthen and increase your faith, making it harder for you to give up, as you pursue your deliverance.
  2. Contract believers you trust to support you emotionally and in prayer. You might have just one or two people who would be willing to stand with you in prayer, listen to you, and give you advice as you pursue your deliverance. One or two is enough. If you do not have anyone to confide in and who can support you as you seek deliverance, try to find an online support group. Also ask God to send you encouragement and support. A support system helps to neutralize some of the tactics the enemy will use to attack your emotions and your thoughts as he tries– subtly or overtly– to discourage you from breaking free.
  3. Be thankful. Some people say, “Count your blessings.” Look around you at the good things you have, the comfort, the convenience, the luxuries, the blessings. We often forget or take these things for granted, but if we cultivate ‘an attitude of gratitude’ for the things we do have, that is able to speed up the process of finding deliverance, especially if we are grateful despite spiritual bondage or hard circumstances. As God says, The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God” (Psalm 50:23).

Here are some deliverance ministries in and near San Diego:

Rock Church:

Heart of God Church and Ministries:

Nu-Way Ministries in San Diego and Temecula:

Calvary Chapel in Oceanside, CA:

Healing Rooms in California:
May God bless and support you as you pursue your deliverance. Reach out to us if you need further coaching or help: email us at or text/call us at (916) 247-2455.




