Springfield Deliverance Ministries MA

Hello, Springfield. Welcome to our Springfield, MA deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. Here, we compile ministries in your area and in Boston that you can contact for deliverance.

If you’re here seeking deliverance ministry for spiritual oppression, know you aren’t alone. Many people are in many types of bondage. It’s not always apparent, but there are different types of spiritual bondage almost everyone struggles with. We are living in “perilous times” as the Bible put it when “men will be lovers of themselves” and “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” (2Timothy 3:1-5). 

The more self-centered a society becomes, the less devoted to God and loving of others that society is. That creates a tremendous amount of legal ground for satan to have dominion in such a society and for people to become demonized or to find themselves in spiritual bondage of many types. America is a society like that, and many people are groaning under spiritual burdens. Most of these spiritual afflictions are labeled ‘mental illnesses’. Others manifest in criminal activity, hyper-sexuality, and overall hostility and animosity for other people even without having a reason as to why.

If you’re here in search of a deliverance ministry near you, consider these things:

  1. Not all deliverance ministries are listed, and many are hard to find on the internet. Until you find a deliverance ministry or minister that works for you and helps you break free of spiritual bondage, you have to look everywhere you can and contact as many ministries as you can. Some deliverance ministries can be found in a local church. Most of these don’t advertise it on their website. Others don’t do it as a normal in-cuhrch ministry but out of love for God and His people. So, contact both deliverance ministries and local churches when you’re looking for a place to get your deliverance.
  2. Trust God’s love for you. God is the one who loves you most and who most wants you to be free. While some Christians may have and preach the belief that you can “do all things through Christ” no matter the circumstances, this just isn’t true and wasn’t what Paul meant. God knows our environment, circumstances, and many other things really affect us. When it comes to deliverance, God will sometimes want to remove a person from an environment or circumstance that is harmful for the person and that would leave doors open for demons to return after deliverance, making it hard or impossible for the person to serve God. Zechariah, John the baptist’s dad, prophesied of Jesus and twice stated that God had to remove His people from Egypt so they could serve Him. The Israelites lived in Goshen– a place where they were free to serve God– while slaves in Egypt. But God to remove them completely from the territory of their oppressors so that they could really serve Him. He wants to do the same for you.

Spirit and the Word Healing Room in Lunenburg: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1034.

Healing Rooms Ministry at Freedom Worship Center in West Boylston: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1034.

If you want deliverance coaching, support, or prayer, email us at loveflows916@gmail.com or text or call us at (916) 247-2455. God bless you as you pursue your deliverance.




