Tacoma Deliverance Ministries WA

Hello and welcome to Love Flows Ministries. This is our Tacoma, WA deliverance page. We made this page for people in Tacoma and surrounding areas who believe they are struggling with spiritual bondage and need deliverance ministry.

We listed several ministries below that work in deliverance. Be sure to vet any ministry you contact to get a better idea of what ministry will work best for you. Also, be aware that there are some local churches that offer deliverance ministry. You can call churches in your area and ask them if they have a deliverance ministry or if they know deliverance ministries in your area.

Many people are in need of deliverance. With more sin and lawlessness rampant, there is greater corresponding spiritual bondage. As of June 2022, law enforcement is now allowed to break federal laws, aiding and allowing minor children who are twelve years old and under to enter bars that serve alcohol and to watch male-female strippers perform. That is an overt form of lawlessness, and with such things comes an increase in spiritual bondage.

Many Christians are also suffering from various forms of bondage. If you or someone you know is dealing with spiritual bondage and also seeking deliverance, please be encouraged. It might take a while to find the right person or ministry to get deliverance, therefore, perseverance is necessary. Make use of the following points which can help you as you seek deliverance:

  • Draw near to God. James said, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). As you approach God with prayer and time set aside to seek Him, you will gradually become more and more aware of His nearness. Repent of known sins and ask Him about your spiritual struggle and about deliverance and He can more easily guide you.
  • Seek support. The need for support can’t be overstated. The Bible says a lot about the importance of having two or more people as part of a venture. Solomon says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9). Get a few Christians you trust; tell them about your issue and ask them to support and pray for you as you seek deliverance. Prayers of agreement are often more powerful than solitary prayers.
  • Know your enemy. The Bible shows that satan is cunning and deceptive and wages war against Christians 24/7. Understanding this affords you a bird’s eye view and wisdom in navigating life and navigating towards deliverance.

Healing Rooms of the Tri-Cities in Richland: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1077.

Walla Walla Healing Rooms: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1470.

Overlake Christian Church: https://www.occ.org/sozo/.

Whidbey Healing Rooms: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1570.

The River Healing Rooms: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1642.

Skagit Valley Rooms: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1726.

Contact us if you have questions about deliverance or if you need prayer or would like deliverance coaching. Our email is loveflows916@gmail.com. You can also call or text us at (916) 247-2455. We pray that God will equip you with the tools, wisdom, and faith you need as you pursue your deliverance.




