Tulsa Deliverance Ministries OK

Hello and welcome to our Tulsa, OK deliverance page at Love Flows Ministries. We made this page to help residents of Tulsa and around to find deliverance ministry. If you are because you are experiencing spiritual bondage, there is hope.

Writing as of late April 2022, many things have changed in our world and things seem to be going downhill more now than before, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, many people are suffering under spiritual oppression of all types. Many of these people are Christians. As you seek deliverance, consider the following points:

  • Know your enemy. There is a lot of talk about spiritual warfare these days. The enemy has many tactics he uses against Christians. The Bible tells Christians that if they are not sober and alert and watchful, satan is indeed able to take advantage of them. It helps to know at least some of the enemy’s foundational tactics against Christians. One of them is isolation– not being spiritually connected to other Christians; another one is confusion– not knowing God’s will or what to do in any given situation; and another one is discouragement– not having the energy, motivation, or even desire to do something that God wants you to do, that you know you should do, or even that you want to do. These are traps to watch for while seeking deliverance.
  • Seek fellowship with and counsel from mature Christians. Not all Christians are what the Bible calls ‘mature’– or ‘spiritual’– which really means ‘maturing’ since no one really fully achieves maturity. Mature Christians are not inclined to avoid situations that are not convenient for them nor are they selfish. They are on their way to maturity in Christ and are willing to help fellow Christians. It was to mature Christians that Paul gave this command, and for good reason: “If any man is overtaken in sin, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness… Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:1-2). If you can’t find such a Christian, see if you can join a Bible study where you can maybe share your struggle and get counsel and support.
  • Be willing to persevere. Many people are seeking deliverance. Some have been seeking for years; some have died without finding deliverance. Part of the reason for this is a lack of ministers. As Jesus told His apostles, “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). There are many people who are ‘ready’ for deliverance; but there are few ministries that are able to deliver them. So, be willing to persevere until.

Believers Church in Tulsa: http://www.bctulsa.com/sozoprayer/.

Healing Rooms of Tulsa in Tulsa: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1700.

Healing Rooms of Tulsa (South) in Tulsa: https://healingrooms.com/healingRooms.php?location=US1700B.

Feel free to email us at loveflows916@gmail.com or text or call us at (916) 247-2455 if you need prayer, want deliverance coaching, or have questions for us. We pray that you will find the support and connections you need for deliverance.




